Al pie de la letra

Al pie de la letra

Construction of the set for the program ‘Al pie de la letra’ of Antena 3.Diseñador: Doménico PratiRealizador: Ferrán ArmengolIluminador: Germinal Ruiz Tiempo de Construcción: 10...

TV- Televisión de Galícia

The sets for television, are a major source of work for MC decorados, recognized nationally. In the construction of the sets is gained experience in each of them , because they all have their difficulty of manufacture. Some are very curious for the materials used and...

TV- Televisió de Girona

The sets for television, are a major source of work for MC decorados, recognized nationally. In the construction of the sets is gained experience in each of them , because they all have their difficulty of manufacture. Some are very curious for the materials used and...

TV- Televisió de Sabadell

The sets for television, are a major source of work for MC decorados, recognized nationally. In the construction of the sets is gained experience in each of them , because they all have their difficulty of manufacture. Some are very curious for the materials used and...